Top Ten Qualities of a Good Warrior Cats Fanfiction

1It has a unique plot

2It doesn't have too many cliches

3The characters have flaws

4The prophecy isn't too predictable

5The character's motivations make sense

6The characters are developed

7The relationships are developed

8It shows, doesn't tell

9The names are written correctly

10The correct terminology is being used

11Use correct grammar

12Don't forget certain characters, like parents.

13Includes tragedy

14Things are usually unpredictable

15Don't always make ShadowClan evil

16Have evil characters love at least one thing, for example, maybe they have a soft spot for elders or love kits

17It doesn't use names from the canon series

18It has an allegiance

19The Clan is not always in peace

20Avoid powers that are either too OP, used before, or aren't plot-relevant

21Give characters an understandable backstory, especially villains and important characters

22Your character's personality is consistent

23Include what's happening in the background and not just the main character