Top 10 Best Black Metal Songs

1Freezing Moon - Mayhem

Freezing Moon - Mayhem

2I Am the Black Wizard - Emperor

I Am the Black Wizard - Emperor

3Dunkelheit - Burzum

Dunkelheit - Burzum

4The Sun No Longer Rises - Immortal

The Sun No Longer Rises - Immortal

5Progenies of the Great Apocalypse - Dimmu Borgir

Progenies of the Great Apocalypse - Dimmu Borgir

6Forever Winter - Antim Grahan

Forever Winter - Antim Grahan

7A Fine Day to Die - Bathory

A Fine Day to Die - Bathory

8Mother North - Satyricon

Mother North - Satyricon

9Transilvanian Hunger - Darkthrone

Transilvanian Hunger - Darkthrone

10Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark) - Immortal

Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark) - Immortal

11Det Som En Gang Var - Burzum

Det Som En Gang Var - Burzum

12Where Dead Angels Lie - Dissection

Where Dead Angels Lie - Dissection

13The Call of the Wintermoon - Immortal

The Call of the Wintermoon - Immortal

14Lost Wisdom - Burzum

Lost Wisdom - Burzum

15Deathcrush - Mayhem

Deathcrush - Mayhem

16Call from the Grave - Bathory

Call from the Grave - Bathory

17All Shall Fall - Immortal

All Shall Fall - Immortal

18Gateways - Dimmu Borgir

Gateways - Dimmu Borgir

19Blood Fire Death - Bathory

Blood Fire Death - Bathory

20Kyy - Azaghal

21Enter the Eternal Fire - Bathory

Enter the Eternal Fire - Bathory

22Jesus' Tod - Burzum


23Black Metal - Venom

24The Departure - Abigail Williams

The Departure - Abigail Williams

25Black Spell of Destruction - Burzum

26De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas - Mayhem

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas - Mayhem

27Journey to the End - Windir

Journey to the End - Windir

28Against the Tide - Immortal

Against the Tide - Immortal

29Solarfall - Immortal

Solarfall - Immortal

30Blood and Concrete - Forgotten Tomb

31Maha Kali - Dissection

Maha Kali - Dissection

32Walk the Path of Sorrow - Satyricon

Walk the Path of Sorrow - Satyricon

33Dimmu Borgir - Dimmu Borgir

Dimmu Borgir - Dimmu Borgir

34One by One - Immortal

One by One - Immortal

35Hallowed Be Thy Name - Cradle of Filth

Hallowed Be Thy Name - Cradle of Filth