Worst Things About Grizzly from We Bare Bears

1He is a Gary Stu

2He is a jerk

3He embarrasses Panda in every episode

4He is bossy

5He thinks Nom Nom the Koala is a good guy

6He is a hypocrite

7He never shuts up

8He is stupid

9He is unfunny

10He only cares about himself

11He ruins Chloe's homework

12He only cares about fame

13He's lazy

14He only thinks famous people are cool

15He never cleans his room

16He nearly killed Panda

17He forces his brothers in on things

18He starved his brothers in an episode

19He never acknowledges or apologizes for any mistake he makes

20He nearly turned Panda and Ice Bear into primal bears in the episode "Primal"

21He loves food too much

22He never listens to his brothers

23He treats his brothers badly

24He hates everything

25He is annoying for no reason