1Feeling Crappy
4Having to Work While You'?re Sick
5Being So Sick That You Can't [Blank]
6Having to Just Wait Through it
8Not Being Able to Sleep
11Going to the Doctor
12The Pain
13Missing School
15Happens at the Worst Times
16You Can Die
17Sore Throat
18You Can't Smell or Taste Anything
20Endless Coughing and Phlegm
21You Feel Like You're Gonna Die
22Can't Eat Your Favorite Foods
23It Ruins Your Day or Plans
27You Sleep All Day
29Medicine for Food Poisoning is Disgusting
31Having to Take Uncomfortable Medicine
32Cold Chills
33When You Have a Sore Throat, but You Aren't Sick Enough to Stay Home from School
34Taking Medicine
35You Could End Up in Hospital