Top Ten Ways to Improve the United States

1Stop violence

2Donate more money to charities and to the poor

3Find ways to stop global warming

4Provide more opportunities

5Ban guns

6Stop racism

7Ban republicans

8Become a feminist

9Enact Medicare for All

10Help more people attend college

11Decrease deforestation

12Impeach Donald Trump

13Give men and women equal rights

14Be more generous

15Stop climate change denial


17Use electricity wisely

18Kick California out

19Kick Florida out

20Get rid of pollution

21Restrict plastic

22Have a Military Junta

23Smaller government

24Like Trump

25Reinstate the draft as a punishment

26Stop obesity

27Tackle depression

28Embrace socialism

29Stop being addicted to phones

30Abolish separation of state and church

31Kick New England out

32Vote straight-ticket Democrat

33Use the metric system

34Ban hate groups

35Ban SJWs