Top 10 Reasons Why the Death Penalty Should Not Be Implemented in Philippines

1Poor defendants don't have the wealth to hire a good lawyer.

Poor defendants don

2Tendency of wrongful verdict.

Tendency of wrongful verdict.

3Lifetime imprisonment is much better.

Lifetime imprisonment is much better.

4It does not deter criminals.

It does not deter criminals.

5The trial is very expensive.

The trial is very expensive.

6The justice system is flawed.

The justice system is flawed.

7It is wrong to kill people

8It violates human rights.

9It justifies killing.

It justifies killing.

10We can't solve a sin with another sin.

11The trial takes a lot of time.

The trial takes a lot of time.

12The court is overloaded with pending cases.

The court is overloaded with pending cases.

13May lead to public execution.

May lead to public execution.

14It is very expensive

15It haunts the executioners and juries psychologically.

It haunts the executioners and juries psychologically.

16We don't give people a chance to change

17It's a sin