Top Ten Tips for Beginners in Minecraft

1Never dig straight down

Never dig straight down

2Never take your valuables to the Nether

Never take your valuables to the Nether

3Bring a shield at all times

Bring a shield at all times

4Leave faraway chunks unloaded

5Bring a fire resistance potion to the Nether

Bring a fire resistance potion to the Nether

6Write down the coordinates of your house

Write down the coordinates of your house

7Look out for loot in structures

Look out for loot in structures

8Learn how to MLG water

9Don't break mob spawners


10Always keep a Totem of Undying in your left hand

11Write down the coordinates of your portal

12Once you get wood, craft a wooden pickaxe and skip the other wood tools. Use that wooden pickaxe and mine the cobblestone and you get a stone sword easy peasy.

13Get 2 of each friendly mob

14Put a bed in your stronghold and set a respawn point before going into The End

15Take all the wood from a tree

16Right click to "use" an item

17Don't make light with redstone torches

18Make sure to bring projectiles in the end fight or you'll have to take out the end crystals by hand

19Don't go near gravel in the Nether

20Make a villager breeder and use villagers for armor and other useful things

21Wear a carved pumpkin on your head in The End so the Endermen don't attack you

22It's faster to use a shovel to mine clay

23Remember that water doesn't work in the nether

24Don't stay in the water for too long

25Don't sprint too much

26When you mine an ore and it will burn, build a fire-proof platform