Top Ten Things About Warrior Cats You Probably Didn't Know

1Bloodclan is not a Clan

Bloodclan is not a Clan

2Warriors live in clans and tribes

3They're making a Warriors movie


4Erin Hunter works harder on this series than any other

5Sandstorm cheated on her final assessment

Sandstorm cheated on her final assessment

6Windclan is the closest to Starclan

Windclan is the closest to Starclan

7Skyclan was the first clan

Skyclan was the first clan

8Squirrelflight has one white paw in reference to Scourge

Squirrelflight has one white paw in reference to Scourge

9Cinderpelt loved Fireheart, but he didn't catch on

Cinderpelt loved Fireheart, but he didn

10Cat leaders have 10 lives not 9

Cat leaders have 10 lives not 9

11Tigerclaw was going to be called Hammerclaw

12There's a thousand cats


13Leopardstar joined TigerClan because she was in love with him

Leopardstar joined TigerClan because she was in love with him

14Bluestar and Whitestorm are related

15Fireheart was named after Lionheart

16Spottedleaf was trying to draw Fireheart(star) into StarClan so far that he couldn't return to ThunderClan in one of Firestar's dreams

17Half of the Warrior cats have colorations that are impossible

18Scourge hated the dog teeth in his collar but put up with it because it made him look fierce

19Thunderclan is like America

20Darkstripe (Male!) was in love with Tigerstar

Darkstripe (Male!) was in love with Tigerstar

21Blackstar was a polydactyl cat

22The Three have SkyClan, ThunderClan, kittypet, and WindClan blood

The Three have SkyClan, ThunderClan, kittypet, and WindClan blood

23When Scourge kills Tigerstar, he strikes 9 major organs causing him to lose more than 1 life

24Tigerclaw felt bad for Cinderpelt's incident

25Briarlight was in love with Jayfeather

26Originally, Moonflower was going to be Duskflower

27Hollyleaf is scared of thunderstorms because of Ashfur's confrontation

28A RiverClan queen fusses over Silverstream expecting. Silverstream calls the cat Greenflower yet the name is not listed in allegiances or mentioned anywhere else

29Some people think Ashfur is Dovewing and Ivypool's actual father

30Tigerstar hates Firestar so much because he reminds him of Pinestar

31Onestar had a child

32Leopardstar didn't know how to swim

33Squirrelflight requested -leaf for Hollyleaf because she was thinking about Leafpool

34Brightpaw loved Swiftpaw, which was why she went to go fight the dogs with him.

35Feathertail watched over the Lionblaze, Hollyleaf & Jayfeather but not Breezepelt