Top Ten Reasons Why Super Smash Bros Brawl Is Bad

1Meta Knight is Broken

Meta Knight is Broken

2Sonic Can Swim

3No Touhou Girls

No Touhou Girls

4Lucas is Overpowered

Lucas is Overpowered

5The Great Maze

The Great Maze

6The Stages Get Boring

7The Ice Climbers are the Weakest Characters in the Game

The Ice Climbers are the Weakest Characters in the Game

8Solid Snake

Solid Snake

9Where Was Sonic in the Story All This Time?

Where Was Sonic in the Story All This Time?

10The Subspace Minions Look Like Characters You See in Kingdom Hearts

11I can't select Zero Suit Samus in the character selection screen

I can


13No L-cancelling

14There are Fewer Female Characters

15It Has an Annoying Fanbase

16Project M

17Rumble Falls

18Princess Peach ruined it!

Princess Peach ruined it!

19No Wavedashing

20Horrible wi-fi

21They Cut Mewtwo

They Cut Mewtwo

22It's Too Slow

23Some Music Tracks are Missing

24Ganondorf is a rip off of Captain Falcon

Ganondorf is a rip off of Captain Falcon

25They Nerfed Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff and Peach

They Nerfed Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff and Peach

26There Are Fewer Villain Characters

27It's Hard to Get a Smash Ball

28Mortal Kombat X is Better

Mortal Kombat X is Better

29No Rosalina

No Rosalina

30Laggy Online Multiplayer

31They Nerfed Fox

They Nerfed Fox

32Sakurai Nerfed Mario In It

Sakurai Nerfed Mario In It

33Terrible Controls

34Items are Unbalanced

35Terrible Gameplay