Top Ten Most Annoying Things In Restaurants

1Long Waiting Times

2Bad Food

3Crying Babies

Crying Babies

4Bad Service

5Dirty Tables and Eating Areas

6Hair in Food


8Overpriced Food

9Getting the Wrong Order

10The Area Where You Wait to be Seated is Too Small.

11The Waiter or Waitress Ignoring You

12Screaming Kids

13Rude Waiters

14Kids with Lack of Manners

15Kids Treating It Like a Playground

16Super Super Slow Employees

17Pervasive Advertisements


19Parents Changing Their Kids' Diapers at the Table

20Bad Smells

21People Who Cough Constantly

22Frozen Food

23When a Waiter or Waitress Falls or Drops Food the Whole Restaurant Goes Wild

24When a Customer Starts Chanting Something Random and Everyone Else Joins In



26When the Bill Comes

27Barking Dogs

28As a Twosome, Being Shown to Some Tight Little Table Near the Toilets or Front Door

29Chairs Facing a Blank Wall