Top Ten Biggest Problems with the Movie "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story"

1Nothing in Rogue One Matters

Nothing in Rogue One Matters

2The Film Makes the Terrible Decision to Prioritize Plot Details Over Character

3Unearned Pathos (No Qualities that Evoke Sadness or Pity)

4Rogue One is Not Well Structured

5The Movie is Boring

6Too Many Characters are Killed

7Is It Really that Hard to Get a File?

8What Was Forest Whitaker Doing There?

9Rogue One Didn't Live Up to the Trailer

10Darth Vader's Very Small Amount of Screen Time is Not Needed

11CGI Grand Moff Tarkin and Princess Leia

12Wasted Plot and Characters

13No Character Development

14Inconsistent Screenplay

15C3PO and R2D2's Cameo Was Just Shameless Fanservice

16A Terrible Protagonist

17You Don't Care About the Characters

18The Sexism

19Fan Service

20Bad Acting

21Not Enough Princess Leia

22Terrible Narrative

23The Villain and His Motivations are Bad

24Forest Whitaker's Acting is Awful

25Not Enough Deaths

26Darth Vader Only Had a Small Role in the Movie.

27Too Many Droids

28Nothing Bad Happened

29Bad Camera Work

30Not Enough Alien Characters

31It's a Cash Grab

32No Lightsaber Battles

33It Oversaturates the Star Wars Franchise

34The Death Star Only Used Minimal Power Towards Planets

35It Wasn't Rated R