Top 10 Worst Things About the Movie The Last Airbender

1It Was Directed by M. Night Shyamalan

2Not Staying True to the Characters

3Name Changes

4Too Much Narration

5Bad Actors

6Not Staying True to the Story

7The Bending Looks Like Dance Routines

8Missing Characters

9The Way They Cast the Actors

10It Was a Box Office Success

11No Emotion

12Characters Say Random Stuff

13Did Not Have the Kyoshi Warriors

14No Consistency in the Story Structure

15Awful Acting

16The Entire Earth Bender Scene

17The Story Never Takes Its Time

18A Heap of Earth Benders Doing a Heap of Bending Moves to Move... a Pebble? Anticlimactic.

19The Ethnic Miscasting

20Aang's Avatar State

21Katara's Love and Motherly Wisdom

22Every Character Looks Ugly

23Too Much Explaining

24Too Much Filler

25I Am Ong