Top 10 Tips to Make a Good Warrior Cats OC

1Give them some flaws

2Don't use unnatural fur or eye colors (green, purple etc)

3Don't use star as a prefix

4Sometimes a simple name (Leafpelt, Lionclaw, etc.) can be as good as complicated names (Hawkthunder, Darkfire, etc.)

5Don't make him/her involved in more than 3 prophecies

6A cat with a power is fine, but too much power will turn them to a Mary Sue

7Don't use the word beautiful, pretty, perfect, etc. as a prefix or suffix

8Don't use things cats don't know (galaxy, neon, etc) as a prefix or suffix

9If you're making an evil cat, give them a backstory

10Don't copy a canon character from the books

11Don't make them overpowered


12Give him/her a name that matches their personality and physical look

Give him/her a name that matches their personality and physical look

13Don't make them the leader unless they have real leadership qualities


14Don't be afraid to be unrealistic

15Don't make him/her have a super long name (Butterflysparkle, Marigoldpetal, etc.)

16Be original

17Don't use moon, sun, or other symbolic things for the cats

18Be creative with colors and patterns

19Give them a few scars and injuries, but don't go overboard

20If you're making a mean OC, make sure they actually care about something

21Don't give him/her accessories (collars, earrings, bracelets, etc.)

22Be creative

23Don't be afraid to be creative with names

24Give them a not too sad backstory

25Don't use weird suffixes like Grayscale or Margoildpath

26Never give them powers

27Don't make them always angry or sad

28Don't make the entire plot revolve around their tragic backstory

29Don't name them something like superawesome or something

30Nothing should be added to your character that doesn't have a purpose

31When making a character, add a backstory

32Remember it's not just the backstory that makes a character good, the depth, writing and development are just as important.

33Don't make them so weak and pretty they'™re useless

34Don't make them related to a cat from the books

35Don't make their names illogical