Top 10 Times the WWE Screwed the Fans

1Brock Lesnar Beats Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX

2Daniel Bryan Losing the World Heavyweight Championship to Sheamus at WrestleMania XXVIII in 18 seconds

3Not Putting Daniel Bryan in The 2014 Royal Rumble Match

4String of Pay per Views Events That Cheat The Fans 2013

5Zack Ryder Gets Humiliated Over and Over and Over Again

6John Cena Defeats Brock Lesnar at Extreme Rules 2012

7Chris Jericho Loses The WWE Undisputed Championship Then Gets Pushed to The Side

8Andy Levine Wins WWE Tough Enough 6/6/2011

9Rey Mysterio Wins The World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania and Then Loses Every Other Match 2006

10John Cena Winning the WHC for the 15th Time 6/29/14

11Vince Continues The Over The Edge Pay Per View Following Owen Hart's Accident

12Having Wrestlers The Fans Like Get Buried By John Cena or Roman Reigns

13Rob Van Dam Wins The WWE Undisputed Championship then Doesn't Raw 5/20/2002

14Trying to Bury the Ultimate Warrior with the Biased Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior DVD

15Botching the 2014 Elimination Chamber Match

16Unmasking Kane

17Never having Cesaro or Luke Harper win a world championship

18Botching the Alliance Angle

19Always Taking the Raw Women's Champion Off Sasha Banks on Her First Defense

20Roman Reigns Winning the 2015 Royal Rumble

21Burying Damien Sandow

22Curtain Call

23Roman Reigns Pins The Undertaker

24Refusing To Utilize Tough Enough Winners

25Not having Heath Salter compete against John Cena for the US Title open challenge and beating him CLEAN to become US Champ

26Not having Oney Lorcan be a huge star