Top 10 Things You Will Notice About Small High Schools

1Your classes may be small

Your classes may be small

2High School football team is either small seven-man football or lower level team

High School football team is either small seven-man football or lower level team

3It's easier to get around the building

4Rumors spread to everyone quickly

Rumors spread to everyone quickly

5There may be empty parking spaces in the parking lot

There may be empty parking spaces in the parking lot

6You'll be noticed by everyone without even trying


7There may be fewer teachers

There may be fewer teachers

8There's only 1 lunch period instead of 3


9There's less bullying


10You'll likely have friends in different grades


11Your teachers are able to help more students due to a smaller class size

12There's fewer electives and clubs

13Your graduating class is surprisingly small

Your graduating class is surprisingly small

14It is a lot quieter at break times

15There's a lot of unique traditions

16It is likely to be less diverse

17Your school is probably underfunded

Your school is probably underfunded

18Fewer AP classes