Top 10 Things to Remember When You are Depressed

1Suicide is not the solution to anything

Suicide is not the solution to anything

2You are not alone

3Focus on your positives, not your negatives

Focus on your positives, not your negatives

4Life goes on

Life goes on

5What is meant to be will be

6We are on a journey

We are on a journey

7It could be much worse

It could be much worse

8Everything happens for a reason

9Everything worth fighting for is difficult

Everything worth fighting for is difficult

10Just keep swimming in your problems

Just keep swimming in your problems

11Our problems are what they are

12If you are in your worst state, then it can only get better

If you are in your worst state, then it can only get better

13There is nothing wrong with seeking therapy

There is nothing wrong with seeking therapy

14What doesn't beat you makes you stronger

15Everything shall fade away

16What is the reason to end your life?

17You could be feeding your inner demons the more you focus on the negatives

18You are loved. Even if you don't think so

19You never know how close you are...don't give up

20Sunlight is the best disinfectant

21Try to enjoy life every day

22Drugs and alcohol will make it worse

23Life is about both positivity and negativity

24Life is like bubble tea, never smooth, but you should never throw it away

25There are good people