Top 10 Things that Make Nintendo Better Than Microsoft & Sony

1Nintendo Games

Nintendo Games

2Nintendo Has Ideas to Spare

3Sony and Microsoft Continue to Copy Nintendo

4Gameplay > Graphics

5The Music

6Nintendo Has Great Exclusives

7Nintendo Almost Never Jumps in on a Bandwagon

8Nintendo Makes Sure Their Consoles Work

9Nintendo Consoles are Less Flawed and More Durable

10Nintendo Helps Develop Games, While Microsoft & Sony Leave It to Their Game Developers

11Nintendo Has Shigeru Miyamoto

12Fewer Hardware Issues

13Virtual Console

14The Controllers

15The 1st-Party Games are Cared About More Than the 3rd-Party Games

16Their Gimmicks are Actually Pretty Cool

17Nintendo Rebuilt the Gaming Industry

18Way More Variety

19Nintendo's Fans are More Mature

20There are Games for a Variety of Demographics

21Backwards Compatibility

22Their New Consoles Actually Seem New

23Wii U

24Nintendo 64

25They are More Creative

26Saved the Video Game Crash of 1982

27They Actually Make 1st-Party Games

28They're an Actual Video Game Company

29Pokémon X and Y are Better Than Anything Sony and Microsoft Have Ever Made

30Sony and Microsoft are Lazy

31The Legend of Zelda

32Free Online Play

33The Image is Way More Fun

34It's Not Just About Games

35Mario Kart 7