Top 10 Stupidest Big Brother U.S. Moves

1Lawon volunteers to be nominated/evicted - Big Brother 13

2Marcellas doesn't use the veto - Big Brother 3

3Jozea tells Da'Vonne he'll target Nicole while she's HoH - Big Brother 18

4Devin exposes his All Boys alliance- Big Brother 16

5Dustin volunteers as a pawn - Big Brother 8

6Mike tries to make Dick lose PoV - Big Brother 8

7Ollie makes a deal with Dan - Big Brother 10

8McCrae nominates Elissa in the Final 6 - Big Brother 15

9Dan nominates Joe for eviction - Big Brother 14

10Kaysar gives Jennifer HoH - Big Brother 6

11Hardy evicts Bunky instead of Will - Big Brother 2

12Brian makes too many alliances too fast - Big Brother 10

13Dana nominates Alison and Jack - Big Brother 4

14Howie nominates James and Sarah - Big Brother 6

15Danielle uses the POV on Dan in final 4 - Big Brother 14

16Zach doesn't split up the Donatos - Big Brother 8

17Cody taking Derrick to the final 2 over Victoria - Big Brother 16

18Jeff backdoors Russell - Big Brother 11

19Paul evicts James instead of Nicole - Big Brother 18

20The House evicts Kaitlin instead of Aaryn - Big Brother 15

21Alex nominates Raven and Kevin - Big Brother 19

22Kail campaigns to Danielle to vote her dad out - Big Brother 8

23Joey exposes the el Cuatro Alliance - Big Brother 16

24Shelli takes a shirt from James - Big Brother 1

25Matt uses the Diamond Power of Veto to evict Kathy - Big Brother 12

26Jen annoys the house week one - Big Brother 8

27Frank keeps Dan after he would have been evicted - Big Brother 14

28Paul backdoors Da'Vonne - Big Brother 18

29Rockstar inadvertently helps Tyler win POV - Big Brother 20

30Ryan evicts Sheila in the final 3 - Big Brother 9

31Paulie doesn't use the POV on Zakiyah - Big Brother 18

32Jen threatens Amber before the veto competition - Big Brother 8

33Chilltown doesn't get rid of Janelle at the Final 8 - Big Brother 7

34Jessie tries to get Amanda out too early - Big Brother 15

35Davonne wins Last Laugh and decides to cancel Jeff, Jackie, & Becky votes and not use it on Clay, John, and James - Big Brother 17