Top 10 Reasons Why Republicans are Better Than Democrats

1Republicans are better at economics

2Republicans realize that Common Core is stupid

3Republicans believe that those who work harder should get paid better, and shouldn't have to pay more simply because they have more money

4Republicans don't whine and protest, they actually go to work and do stuff

5The most effective presidents have been Republicans

6Republicans recognize that marriage should stay between a man and a woman

7Republicans will use the military as a first resort to end a potential threat to the nation

8Republicans hate abortion

9Republicans don't make strict gun regulations

10Republicans don't support a healthcare that is like Obamacare

11Republicans handle foreign policy better, and don't let other nations walk over the U.S.

12Republicans try to expand the military, which will make the U.S. a stronger nation

13Republicans have helped the country's economy, Democrats have put us in debt

14Republicans follow the Bible

15Republicans are politically incorrect

16Presidents such as Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, and Theodore Roosevelt are considered the greatest presidents of all time.

17Republicans are more mature

18Republicans put facts before feelings

19Republicans don't support terrorism

20Republicans love America

21Republicans don't like socialism

22Republicans don't push their liberal views on our nation's youth

23Republicans are pro Constitution

24Republicans don't lie

25Republicans don't use the race card

26Republicans don't support illegal immigration

27Republicans have faith

28Republicans are braver

29Republicans are honest about their backwards beliefs

30Republicans like to lower taxes

31Republicans don't race bait as much

32Republicans think more rationally

33Republicans don't think everyone needs to be atheist

34Republicans don't pay lip service to free speech while doing everything in their power to suppress speech they don't agree with.

35Republicans believe less in separation of State and Church