Top 10 Reasons Why Pop Music is Awful

1Bad singers

2No instruments are played

No instruments are played

3Hard sexual themes

Hard sexual themes

4It's more for the money


5Almost always about love

Almost always about love

6Stupid lyrics and messages

7No talent



9Only thing that plays on the radio

Only thing that plays on the radio

10You hear it everywhere you go

11The songs are inappropriate

12It's corporate

13Most lyrics are written by ghostwriters

14Lack of creativity

15Songs are overplayed

16Idiots like it

Idiots like it

17Male popstars are weak

18No passion

19Most of the songs are about the artist themselves

20No variety

21Lyrics about drugs, partying, and sex

Lyrics about drugs, partying, and sex

22It's too simple

23It's more famous

24Creepy lyrics

25No poetry

26It's repetitive

27They are popular because of their looks, not talent

28Stupid songs about relationships

29Some pop fans judge people who listen to other genres

30Real music isn't on the radio

31Most pop stars are fake

32No one has good taste in music anymore

33Appeals to the general audience

34Most modern pop songs have horrible melodies

35Modern popstars don't write any of their songs or play any instruments.