Top 10 Reasons Why American Cartoons are Better Than Anime

1Iconic Characters

2Different Art Styles

3Better Characters

4Simple Stories

5Funny Gags

6Great Catchphrases

7Actually Funny

8Better Animation

9No Creepy Fetishes

10Bright Colours

11Family Appeal

12Talented Voice Actors

13Stars On the Hollywood Walk of Fame

14They're Never Depressing

15More Memorable

16Less Predictable

17More Pleasing to Watch

18Fewer Fan Wars

19Bigger Legacy

20Better Music Scores

21Fun for All Ages

22Not as Much Fanservice

23Anime Was Influenced by American Cartoons

24Animation Renaissance

25Better Fight Scenes

26You Can Watch the Episodes Out of Order

27More Diversity

28Never Get Old

29More Realistic


31More Accomplishments

32Not Just for One Sex

33Easier to Get Into

34Less Misandry

35Less Sexualization of Characters Who are Minors