Top 10 Questionable Things All Moms Do (But Don't Admit)

1Forget to Pick Up the Kid

2Tell Little White Lies

3Let Kids Eat Junk

4Throw Away Drawings and Homemade Gifts

5Use TV and Other Screens as a Babysitter

6Slack on Baby Books and Scrapbooks

7Skimp on Bath Time

8Lose Their Cool

9Skip Pages in a Book

10Co-Sleep with Baby

11Ration Diapers

12Be Overprotective

13Throw Away Their Kids' Stuff While Cleaning Their Rooms

14Use Profanity

15Steal Their Kids' Snacks

16Overfeed Their Kids

17Roast Their Children

18Show Favoritism Among Their Children

19Leave Kids in a Dirty Diaper for a Long Time

20Insult Their Kids

21Nag Constantly

22Spoil Their Kids

23Forget Their Kids in the Back Seat of the Car