Top 10 Myths About British People

1We Have Bad Teeth

2We are All Posh

3All We Do is Drink Tea

4We are All Royalists

5We Hate Americans

6We All Hate Each Other

7We Love Crumpets

8We Have a Dry Sense of Humour

9We All Love Football

10We Say "Bloody" All the Time

11We are Nice

12We are Not Patriotic

13We Hate the French

14We Live a Downton Abbey Lifestyle

15We are All Spoiled and Rich

16We All Live in Thatched Cottages

17We All Read Jane Austen Novels

18We All Have "Keep Calm and Carry On" Posters

19We All Have "Keep Calm and Drink Tea" Posters

20We Have a Stiff Upper Lip

21We Men Wear Bowler Hats

22We All Have a Crush on Prince William or Harry

23We are Nasty

24We Still Want to Be a Colonisers