Top 10 Funniest Ways to Die In Minecraft

1Invisible Creepers

2Zombies punch you with rotten flesh

3Falling into lava while mining diamonds

4Villager Debt

5Sleeping in the Nether

6Getting drunk on potions

7Suffocating in a tree

8Getting pushed off a cliff by a cow

9Getting scared by ambience in a cave


11A dispenser of yours shoots chicken eggs and a chicken spawns and knocks you off a lava pit

12Losing Creative Mode while flying

13Losing your Elytra while flying

14Spawning a Wither in your house


16TNT Cannon failure

17Shot by bow and arrow from 50 blocks

18Playing in the fire

19Getting hit with an egg

20Buried under gravel

21Summoning EnderDragon in your house

22You are in the Nether and your portal was deactivated and you have no flint and steel or obsidian

23Invisible zombies and skeletons in your house

24Die in the exact same spot you died in after loading a new world with same seed

25A glitch put just above lava and you fall into it

26Eating by a tree

27Starving to death after the villagers steal your food for a change

28Falling into lava

29Falling in the void

30Having someone stick a pufferfish next to your door

31Flipping a lever that fires an arrow......and then a creeper blows you up

32Chase an ocelot without any food

33Press the Button for food... and your food is a living, fresh Wither

34Summoning a Wither while you are poisoned, on fire, withered, weakened and slowed

35Placing TNT and then accidentally using flint and steel