Top 10 Biggest Problems with Disney Live-Action Remakes

1They don't capture the same magic as the originals

2Recreating animation into live-action proves too difficult

3They are primarily cash grabs meant to pander to an older audience

4In general, Disney is simply better at making animated movies than live action

5Personality traits that the animated characters had don't fit well with real versions of them

6The films are better off following the original stories rather than the watered-down Disney versions

7The original song remakes are nowhere as memorable as the originals

8They're just used as a lazy way for Disney to make more money

9They are boring and soulless compared to the originals

10Live-action remakes can't provide the same creativeness that animation can

11"Updated for modern sensibilities"

12They keep choosing the movies that people are most attached to

13Some of the remakes don't even feature any humans which makes it really pointless to remake

14Kids today aren't going to know Disney movies as cartoons

15Same plot every time

16They dominate in the box office

17They promote woke culture