Top 10 Best Things That Could Happen to a Day at School

1Crush asks you out

2Snow day

Snow day

3Surprise field trip

Surprise field trip

4You get to do whatever you want

5Least favorite teacher quits

6Quiz/test is cancelled

7Math is cancelled because of an assembly

Math is cancelled because of an assembly

8No more homework for the rest of the year

No more homework for the rest of the year

9Spend the whole afternoon watching a movie with the class

Spend the whole afternoon watching a movie with the class

10School is cancelled

11Get revenge on bullies

Get revenge on bullies

12No more uniforms

No more uniforms

13Catch someone you hate doing something wrong and get them in trouble

14Announcements of longer summer vacation

Announcements of longer summer vacation

15Field trip out of state

16You have to read the Pretty Little Liars series for a huge project

17Free time

18Battle of the bands

19Finding out you got a perfect test score

20Electricity goes out

Electricity goes out

21Allowed to swear in class

22Having an ice cream wild party

Having an ice cream wild party

23Homework is gone forever

24PE gets canceled

PE gets canceled

25Asking crush out and they say yes

26Go home early

27You have to watch the tomorrow people for a huge project

You have to watch the tomorrow people for a huge project

28The school orders pizza from Pizza Hut

The school orders pizza from Pizza Hut

29Go to an amusement park as a field trip

Go to an amusement park as a field trip

30The grading system is removed

The grading system is removed

31There was a subject called 'Minecraft'

There was a subject called

32Teacher doesn't show up

33100% on a test you thought you'd fail

34Teach your own class

35They play the Beatles in class

They play the Beatles in class