Top 10 Canadian Stereotypes



2We're extremely polite


3It's cold


4We all drink Tim Hortons

We all drink Tim Hortons

5We say a-boot, not about

We say a-boot, not about

6All that's watched is hockey

All that

7There is only one road in Canada

There is only one road in Canada

8It's winter all year round


9We love maple syrup

We love maple syrup

10All we eat is Kraft dinner

All we eat is Kraft dinner

11We ice skate or ski to work

We ice skate or ski to work

12All we drink is beer

All we drink is beer

13We all listen to Rush

We all listen to Rush

14We hate the U.S.

We hate the U.S.

15It always snows

It always snows

16We like Justin Beiber

We like Justin Beiber

17We wear toques all the time

We wear toques all the time

18We always watch curling

We always watch curling

19We have no telephones

We have no telephones

20Tim Horton is our President

Tim Horton is our President

21We're all lumberjacks


22They say "supper" instead of "dinner"

They say "supper" instead of "dinner"

23We all eat poutine

We all eat poutine

24Sled dogs are the main source of transportation

Sled dogs are the main source of transportation

25We say pencil crayons (not colored pencils)

We say pencil crayons (not colored pencils)

26We put maple syrup on everything

We put maple syrup on everything

27If you scratch the maple leaf on a dollar bill, you will smell maple syrup

If you scratch the maple leaf on a dollar bill, you will smell maple syrup

28We live in igloos

We live in igloos

29We wear ugly wool sweaters

30We smoke a lot of dope

We smoke a lot of dope

31We say zed not zee

We say zed not zee

32We have pet polar bears

33We ice-fish for food

We ice-fish for food

34We are scared of the dark

We are scared of the dark

35We think they have a better national anthem