Top 10 Biggest MySpace Pet Peeves

1People whining because they are not on your top 8

2Website technical errors

3Bogus bulletin stories

4Stupid picture captions

5Non-clickable URLs

6Spam profiles

7Terrible profile customization options

8Excessive profanity

9People hitting on you when you are not available

10Huge pictures in comments

11Begging for picture comments

12Fake profiles

13People abusing the opacity CSS property


15Changing your web name frequently

16People complaining about everything

17People saying you stole their song

18Video comments

19Add me messages

20People that say that they're in a bad mood and post bulletins about it

21People who comment you demanding you comment their pictures

22One word messages

23Unnecessary Xs in usernames

24Dumb bulletins

25Entire conversation on comments page

26People who steal your whole about me

2712 year old girls trying to add you as friends

28Bogus bulletins

29Emo girl bulletins


31Deleting your account

32People who spam you until you get irritated and block them

33People with the same name as you

