Top 10 Best Yo Mama So Stupid Jokes

1Yo mama so stupid she got fired from the M&M's factory for throwing away all the Ws.

Yo mama so stupid she got fired from the M&M

2Yo mama so stupid when a robber stole her TV, she ran after him saying, "You forgot the remote."

3Yo mama so stupid she got hit by a parked car.

Yo mama so stupid she got hit by a parked car.

4Yo mama so stupid she put two quarters in her ear and said, "I'm listening to 50 Cent."

Yo mama so stupid she put two quarters in her ear and said, "I

5Yo mama so stupid she bought tickets to Xbox Live.

6Yo mama so stupid she got locked in Mattress World and slept on the floor.

7Yo mama so stupid, she threw a rock at the ground and missed.

8Yo mama so stupid, she stopped at a stop sign and waited all day for it to say go.

Yo mama so stupid, she stopped at a stop sign and waited all day for it to say go.

9Yo mama so stupid she sold her car for gas money.

10Yo mama so stupid, when I asked her to play a game of 1 on 1 basketball with me, she said, "Okay, but who's on my team?"

11Yo mama so stupid, when she threw a grenade at me, I pulled the pin and threw it back.

12Yo mama so stupid she sat on the TV and watched the couch.

13Yo mama so stupid when I said drinks are on the house, she went and fetched a ladder.

14Yo mama so stupid when she was on the train tracks, she started to play Subway Surfers.

15Yo mama so stupid she put a quarter in a parking meter and waited for a gumball to come out.

16Yo mama so stupid, she gave birth to you.

17Yo mama so stupid when her army partner said "enemy at three o'clock," she said, "What do I do until then?"

18Yo mama so stupid, I told her to buy a color TV, and she asked, "What color?"

19Yo mama so stupid she thought seaweed was something fish smoked.

20Yo mama so stupid that she thought her calendar tells time.

21Yo mama so stupid, when she hears about a serial killer she hides her Cheerios!

22Yo mama so stupid, she tried to eat Eminem.

23Yo mama so stupid when she got a splinter, she said, "Where's the Ninja Turtles?"

24Yo mama so stupid she still rides a bike with training wheels.

25Yo mama so stupid, she told me that my game was frozen, and she put it in the microwave to unfreeze it.

26Yo mama so stupid she stole free bread.

27Yo mama so stupid, she returned a doughnut complaining that there was a hole in it.

28Yo mama so stupid that she tried to find the coin slot to play the Xbox.

29Yo mama so stupid I asked her to buy me a pair of sneakers, and she came back with two candy bars.

30Yo mama so stupid that even Jesus thinks she's a mistake.

31Yo mama so stupid when she saw the under 17 not admitted sign, she went home and got 16 friends.

32Yo mama so stupid that she asked what number you dial for 911.

33Yo mama so stupid, she looked in a mirror and said, "Stop copying me!"

34Yo mama so stupid that she replaced a TV with a calculator.

35Yo mama so stupid when she robbed a bank, she hid inside a cop car.