Top 10 Best Pokemon Episodes

1Island of the Giant Pokemon

Island of the Giant Pokemon

2Pokemon, I Choose You!

Pokemon, I Choose You!

3Gotta Catch Ya Later

Gotta Catch Ya Later

4Charizard Chills

5Charmander the Stray Pokemon

Charmander the Stray Pokemon

6Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!

7Ash Catches a Pokemon

Ash Catches a Pokemon

8Bye Bye Butterfree

Bye Bye Butterfree

9Pikachu's Goodbye


10Can't Beat the Heat

11Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!

12Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon

Attack of the Prehistoric Pokemon

13Espeon Not Included

14Mystery at the Lighthouse

Mystery at the Lighthouse

15The Legend of Thunder Parts 1-3

16The Song of Jigglypuff

17Go West, Young Meowth

Go West, Young Meowth

18Friend or Foe Alike

19Abra and the Psychic Showdown

Abra and the Psychic Showdown

20Dittos Mysterious Mansion

21The Name's N

22Haunter vs Kadabra

23Hoenn Alone

24The Flame Pokémon-athon!

The Flame Pokémon-athon!

25Dig Those Diglett!

Dig Those Diglett!

26Electric Shock Showdown

Electric Shock Showdown

27The Battling Eevee Brothers

The Battling Eevee Brothers

28Memories Are Made of Bliss

29Till We Compete Again!

30Gotta Catch Em All

31Pokemon Shipwreck

32Snow Way Out!

33The Tower of Terror

34Round One...Begin!

35Holy Matrimony

Holy Matrimony