Most Annoying Things About Being the Odd One Out In a Circle of Friends

1Everyone else seems to be best friends

2You never get told anything

3You are excluded if you do not have something they all do

4They watch and gossip about shows you don't like

5They always stand up for each other, even though the person they're standing up for is obviously wrong

6You never know their secrets

7You're left out in games

8They make fun of you

9You never get a partner

10They talk about you

11You aren't invited to things

12You are only there because the other kids are being "nice"

13You always feel talked over

14You walk behind them and when you talk they don't listen

15They do things you don't like

16They have all kinds of inside jokes and references that you never know about

17They only talk to you when their main best friend is not around

18They never respect you

19Their life situation is better and different than yours

20They only talk to you when they need something