Meanest Things Kaeloo Characters Have Done

1Threatening to kill his friends for money - Mr. Cat

2Setting a building with his friends in it on fire - Mr. Cat

3Sending Quack Quack to Hell - Mr. Cat

4Putting fake photoshopped nudes of Pretty on the internet - Stumpy

5Refusing to save Stumpy's life - Kaeloo, Quack Quack and Pretty

6Shooting and killing a horse - Pretty

7Kissing Mr. Cat when he was unconscious - Pretty

8Killing and abusing sheep - Mr. Cat

9Wrecking Mr. Cat's car with him inside - Stumpy

10Kissing Mr. Cat against his will - Kaeloo

11Electrocuting Stumpy to keep the fridge running - Quack Quack

12Making Quack Quack fall into a precipice and get eaten by alligators - Mr. Cat

13Forcing Quack Quack to strip in public - Mr. Cat

14Not allowing Mr. Cat to keep talking to the therapist - Kaeloo

15Body-shaming Kaeloo - Pretty

16Tricking Mr. Cat into a relationship just so she could have his babies - Kaeloo

17Revealing embarrassing secrets about the main four to the public - Pretty

18Tricking Quack Quack and Eugly into breaking up - Mr. Cat and Stumpy

19Emotionally manipulating Mr. Cat into confessing to something and then punishing him for it - Kaeloo

20Accusing Mr. Cat of criminal activity with no evidence and punishing him for it - Kaeloo

21Excluding Kaeloo from a party for being "weird" - everyone except Mr. Cat

22Lying to Kaeloo that Quack Quack died - Mr. Cat

23Trying to rape Kaeloo - Mr. Cat

24Burning Stumpy's comic books - Kaeloo and Mr. Cat

25Stealing a treasure from the main four - Olaf

26Neglecting Stumpy when he was sick - Kaeloo and Mr. Cat

27Forcing Quack Quack to eat bad food, then punishing him for vomiting - Kaeloo

28Rigging a game show Mr. Cat was going on - Kaeloo

29Ruining Kaeloo's treasure hunt - Mr. Cat

30Taking away Kaeloo's pet horse - Pretty

31Making fun of Mr. Cat for having self-esteem issues - Kaeloo

32Telling a horror story as a bedtime story to Quack Quack - Mr. Cat

33Beating Mr. Cat up for having a different opinion - Kaeloo

34Taking away Kaeloo'™s life savings - Mr. Cat

35Complimenting Mr. Cat for 'œbreaking' Kaeloo - Stumpy