Biggest Problems with Koopaling Haters

1They hate the Koopalings because they're Koopalings

2They often present a lack of evidence corroborating their claims

3They believe that they ruined Mario Kart 8's roster

4They believe every Koopaling battle is lame

5They treat them all as if they're the same

6They hate the Koopalings because they take three jumps to defeat

7They spam their hatred for them down your throat

8They can be toxic toward Koopaling non-haters

9They believe the Koopalings are overused

10They believe the Koopalings are weak

11They call people that like the Koopalings stupid

12They believe the Koopalings killed Nintendo's consoles

13They hate the Koopalings because there are seven of them

14They hate certain video games because the Koopalings are in them

15They hate the Koopalings because the fights aren't hard