Biggest Problems in Roblox's Meepcity

1Beds are no longer visible in parties

2There are ODers everywhere

3You can no longer name your party to attract a certain group of players

4Sex parties

5There are Kid Morphs, which induces the online dating

6Over priced game passes

7It lost its charm with the updates

8It caused the horrible chat filter we have today

9The Meeps look like Puffles from Club Penguin

10Doesn't provide names of the clothing and accessories that you equip

11The community in general is just nauseating

12There's a hospital and baby Meeps, which make players pretend they are giving birth

13There's a bigger Party House for 400 R$, but there's really no reason to have it if you don't spend another 300 R$ on the VIP Pass

14Removing Party Names

15There is a limit on the amount of items you can own

16Too many wannabe gangsters


18Avatar editor

19Buying a Party House and all of a sudden everyone is in there

20No one's adopting you

21Your meep rolls on the ground

22ODers say nasty things

23Can't see your items you bought

24The community caused the updates to ruin the game

25The Mansion and Castle were added, so now there's no reason to own a Party House

26Racing is Mario Kart with 3 maps only

27Too expensive


29The piano in the pizza place doesn't work or play music anymore

30The plus hangout never got made and is the reason why plus is a waste of money

31The party you are in shuts down in any category when the owner of the party leaves

32You can't end a party whenever you want!

33Super Overpriced

34Now when dressing up, music plays and it's loud and annoying.

35You can sell your annoying meep