Worst Things Trump Has Done as President

1Downplayed the coronavirus until it was too late to take care of it properly

2Signed a massive tax giveaway for the rich

3Signed anti-environment policies

4Incited a coup after falsely claiming election fraud

5Ignored gun violence

6Botched response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico

7Defended authoritarian rulers in Russia, North Korea, the Philippines, Egypt, and China

8Proposed and signed terrible healthcare policies

9Used shady tactics to appoint conservative judges

10Signed anti-immigrant and anti-refugee policies

11Build a wall

12Refused to accept election results

13Told his supporters to storm the U.S. Capitol

14Gone out of his way to divide Americans even more than we already are

15Banned transgender people from the military

16Withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council

17Said "both sides" are to blame after neo-Nazis murdered a protestor in Charlottesville

18Enacted racist immigration policies targeting brown migrants

19Withdrew from the Paris agreement

20Bible photo op

21Caused thousands of civilian deaths in the Middle East

22Mocks and promotes policies that hurt people with special needs

23Terminated Iran deal and reimposed sanctions

24Raised the national debt to $23 trillion

25Weaponized The DOJ to target personal enemies and assist personal allies

26The Ukraine scandal

27Called El Salvador, Haiti, and other African nations sh*thole countries

28Abandoned Syrian Kurds threatened by a Turkish invasion and massacre

29Insulted John McCain

30Aligned himself with anti-government extremist and white nationalist groups

31Locked Mexican Immigrants in cages.

32Created a trade war with China that required a huge bailout for farmers (over $28B that was twice what the auto bailout was, raised prices for consumers, and caused job losses - all for a weak trade agreement with China.

33Cut money for special need kids

34The Helsinki summit

35Fired FBI Director James Comey