Worst Things That Could Happen During Math Class

1You have to sit next to the kid you hate

You have to sit next to the kid you hate

2You doze off, the teacher calls on you to answer the question and you don't know the answer

3The fire alarm goes off

The fire alarm goes off

4Calculators are not allowed

Calculators are not allowed

5You fail a test

You fail a test

6You sit there, dazed and confused because you have no idea what the heck is going on anymore

7Justin Bieber appears in one of the word problems

Justin Bieber appears in one of the word problems

8You change seats and can't sit next to your crush

9You forget to do the homework

You forget to do the homework

10The teacher starts ranting about behavior

11You and your friends get separated because you were talking in class

You and your friends get separated because you were talking in class

12The substitute teacher is clueless

13You get too much homework

You get too much homework

14You forget your textbook

You forget your textbook

15You get lost in what the teacher is saying because they talk so fast for so long

16A teacher comes in and shouts at the class

A teacher comes in and shouts at the class

17The power goes out during a lesson

18The teacher catches you drawing something inappropriate

19Your teacher yells at you for not understanding how to do complex math

20You doze off and don't learn the material

21You get distracted when the teacher is explaining something

22Your chair breaks

Your chair breaks

23The teacher announces they need to be sick

24Your teacher assigns homework on a lesson that hasn't been taught in class yet

25Your best friend keeps making faces at you and you're trying not to laugh