Worst Things About Being an Adult

1Having to Have a Job

Having to Have a Job

2Having to Pay Bills

3Having to Pay Taxes

4Being Expected to Act Like an Adult

5Never Having Enough Time

6No Summer Vacation

7Having to Be Responsible All the Time

8Getting Thrown in Jail When You Break the Law

Getting Thrown in Jail When You Break the Law

9Worrying About Getting an STD

10Relationship Pressures

11Metabolism Slows Down

12Physical Appearance Deteriorates

13People Telling You that You're Too Old for ________

People Telling You that You

14Not Being Able to Party Anymore

15Lose Touch with What's "Cool"

16If You Don't Do It, No One Else Will

17Always Being Tired

Always Being Tired

18Life is More Boring

19Having to Raise Kids

20Growing Hair in Places

21Mid-Life Crisis

22No Field Trips

No Field Trips


24Being Closer to Death

25Parents No Longer Fix Your Problems

26Punishments are More Severe

27Getting Punished for Goofing Off

28Little to No Free Time

29People Calling the Cops on You for Just Having Fun

30No More Storytime

31No More Snack Time

32No Nap Time

33No Snack-Time

34Having Work from College

35Having to Do Everything by Yourself