Top Ten Reasons Why Harry Potter is the Best Series of Books Ever

1Plot Is Well Made

2Magic and Fantasy

3Harry vs. Voldemort Action

4Character Development


6Well Written

7Fred and George Weasley Are Hilarious

8Gryffindor and Slytherin Rivalry

9A Lot of Supposedly "Bad" Characters Turned Out Well at the End

10Good Villain

11The Main Character Isn't Perfect

12They Make You Feel Things

13It's Interesting

14Interesting/Funny Lines, Quotes and Conversations

15Complex Characters

16It's Not Cliche

17It Makes You Feel Like It's Real

18Darker Themes as the Series Goes On

19Hero Doesn't Get the Girl

20Awesome Villains

21Enchanting Creatures

22Draco Malfoy is Hot

23Hidden Links

24Hedwig is Cute

25Harry is Brave

26The Teenagers are Not Addicted to Technology