Top Ten Questions and Plot Holes in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

1How did Palpatine end up alive on a distant world?

2How did the second Death Star's remains end up on a completely different moon?

3How can Finn feel the Force?

4How come the Sith dagger hasn't been worn out from erosion?

5What's the deal with the lightspeed skip?

6What's the deal with TIE fighters chasing the Falcon during the lightspeed skip?

7How was Luke Skywalker's old X-Wing repaired?

8How was the blue lightsaber repaired?

9How was the secret armada of Star Destroyers maintained so well, only to be used by Palpatine when the time came?

10How does Ben Solo leave Kef Bir?

11If the point of "Rey Skywalker" is that found family is real, then why would Rey kiss her family member, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren?

12What happened to all the Porgs on the Millennium Falcon?

13Why rely upon Force-healing for so much of the plot when it is almost never used in other movies?

14How did Maz get Luke/Anakin's lightsaber?

15Why does Kylo Ren become a good guy so quickly and so completely?

16Where Did Rey's Golden Lightsaber Come From?

17Why didn't Finn reveal that he could use the force sooner?

18How did Luke and Leia know that Rey was a Palpatine?

19Who was Rey's grandmother?

20What is Finn's real name?

21Where is Sith Jarjar?

22Did Rey and Ben's force dyad have any side effects?