1Kollegah: a former milksob and wannabe pimp trying to sound thug because he now has muscles and a beard
2SpongeBozz: a dude in a Spongebob suit
3Bushido: a middle-aged man who wants to still be as fresh and cool as he was ten years ago
4Shindy: a guy who sounds as if he was asleep without the beats
5Entetainment: a dude with a duck mask
6Hollywood Hank: a juggalo who has luck than Germany likes ICP and lacked a similar artist rapping in German
7Kool Savas: a guy who owns the majority of his more recent praise to nostalgia
8Sido: a guy desperately wanting to be both an outrageous rapper and a conscious intelligent pop star
9Marteria / Marsimoto: a guy who gets more praise for songs about drugs rapped with chipmunk vocals than for his regular conscious indie rap
10Cro: probably a furry in closet