Top Ten Most Disturbing Things Done by Black Metal Musicians

1The Murder of Euronymous

2Faust Stabbed a Gay Man to Death

3Dead's Suicide and Euronymous' Reaction

4Murder of Sandro Beyer

5Gorgoroth's Black Mass in Krakow

6Gaahl Tortured a Man

7Shining's Concert in Sweden

8Stalaggh Abducted Mental Patients for Vocals on Their Album

9Church Burnings


11Silencer's Nattramn Attacks 5-year-Old with an Axe

12Jon Nodtveidt's Satanic Suicide

13Matthias Schoorman Decapitating His Girlfriend

14Mortuus Violently Beats a Fan Onstage

15Absurd Frontman Henrik Moebus Murdered Sandro Beyer

16Watain's Pig Head and Throws Blood at the Crowd

17Dead Cutting Himself on Stage

18Silencer Sells His Book with His Blood

19Jon Nödtveidt Kills Gay Man