Top Ten Instagram Pet Peeves

1People not replying to your direct messages

2Free follower scams

3People who don't accept your follow requests

4"Like this picture" DMs

5People saying bae

6Emo crap

7People with more popular accounts thinking they are better than everyone else

8Whining for followers

9Reposting the same photo

10People think snapping pictures on their phone is photography

11#when #people #use #too #many #hashtags

12Accounts that post too many shout outs

13People who add you and then delete you immediately

14People who think they work so hard on their posts

15Accidentally liking a photo is from months ago

16Girls who take half naked selfies in front of a mirror

17Double tap to-----

18"Couldn't load media" messages

19People who like their own pictures

20Slow loading

21People that follow you and then unfollow you a few days later because they have "too many followers"

22People that follow you and then unfollow you a few days later because they are "following too many people"

23The one person you don't get along with that always likes your posts

24People who say hacked on a photo but their friend took the photo

25Fan accounts

26People who ask for followers

27The "cropping"

28People who steal content

29"Couldn't refresh feed" messages

30People who record stories in theaters

31The fade brow