Top Ten Funniest Things to Say When You Fall on the Floor


2Stupid banana!

3Hi, little ant!

4Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!

5When your legs don't work like they used to before

6The floor is...cold

7Gravity check... It's working!


9Look at the stars!

10I had so much to live for

11Son of a bitch

12I'm OK

13Get up, come on get down with the sickness!

14Help! I'm drowning in the floor!

15Oh no! I fell down!

16This is worse than a pie in the face!

17I'm just hugging the floor... Don't mind me

18Allahu akbar!

19What does the floor have against me?!

20Another happy landing

21Damn it


23Dee Dee! Get out of my laboratory!

24It's been a long time since I last possessed a human

25Let the bodies hit the floor!

26Avenge me!

27I meant to do that

28Quick! Gimme whipped cream!

29Down goes Frazier

30I think I broke a butt cheek

31Oh my God

32This is how John fell the other day.....

33Hey I couldn't find the toilet paper. Is it ok if I use the floor to wipe my butt?

34You missed a spot
