Top Ten British Stereotypes

1We all drink tea

We all drink tea

2We all wear top hats and single-lens glassed with chains

We all wear top hats and single-lens glassed with chains

3All our accents are amazing

4British people are from England and English people are from London

5We say stuff like "Good day to you sir" and "Jolly good"

6We all have big noses

7We are basically Oliver Twist

8We hate France

We hate France

9We are sarcastic

10We have bad teeth

11We Worship Harry Potter

12We talk about the weather 24/7

13Our traffic is horrendous

14We are snobbish

15We are anti-social

16We want to conquer the world

17We eat bland, boiled, awful food

18We're extremely polite

19We obsess over our music, and we hate American music.

20We are lazy

21We all live in thatched cottages

22We are not funny

23We are all pirates

24We are all punctual

25We love talking about the weather

26We all play British bulldog