Top Ten American Stereotypes We Are Tired of Hearing

1Americans are fat

2Americans are stupid

3Americans are egotistical

4Americans always buy the newest stuff

5Americans are racist

6Americans are lazy

7Americans are greedy

8Americans are mean

9Americans think they're the best at everything

10Americans start wars with every country

11Americans all say "howdy", "yeehaw" and "y'all"

12Americans are conservatives

13Americans are rednecks

14Americans are patriotic and dislike any other country

15Americans only eat fast food.

16Americans are couch potatoes

17Americans only listen to country music

18Americans are always drunk

19Americans own guns

20Americans say Millennials closed Toys R Us except the shop opened in different decades in different countries.

21Americans are ignorant

22Americans shout USA

23Americans always use quotes from Family Guy

24Americans are nerds

25Americans only shop in WalMart

26Americans are obsessed with guns

27Americans mud wrestle

28American mothers are soccer moms

29Americans always open the door with the left hand

30Americans are bible bashers

31Americans watch NASCAR

32Americans are extremely patriotic

33Americans love George W. Bush

34Americans eat gigantic food.