Top 10 Worst Ways to Try to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket

1Curse at the Cop

2Pretend You Know Magic

3Warn the Cop That You Just Farted

4Pretend You Are Drunk

5Wave a Weapon

6Show Your Boobs

7Scream: "Don't you know who I am?!"

8Fake Instant Death

9Refuse to Give Over Documentation

10Tell Them You Are Their Boss

11Start Name Dropping

12Put on a Mask or Costume

13Talk In a Jar Jar Binks Voice

14Speed Away as Fast as Possible

15Destroy Your Vehicle, Eliminating All Evidence

16Try to Kill Them

17Play Violent Music as Loud as You Can

18Give the Cops the Finger

19Politely Apologize

20Force-Feed Them a Donut

21Commit Suicide

22Run Away

23Give the Cops Drugs

24Try to Hook Up with Them