Top 10 Worst Things Arthur Read Has Done on Arthur

1Punched D.W. after she broke his plane (Arthur's Big Hit)

Punched D.W. after she broke his plane (Arthur

2Relentlessly bullied Sue Ellen (So Funny I Forgot to Laugh)

3Wrecked his mom's computer (Arthur the Wrecker)

4Made Pal sick (Sick as a Dog)

5Sold mom's present to Mrs. Tibble (Arthur Bounces Back)

6Sold James a broken toy and refused to give him his money back (Arthur Sells Out)

7Cheated and acted like a sore winner (Arthur the Loser)

8Brought home a snake (Hide and Snake)

9Caused dad to fall behind on his catering order for Mr. Crosswire (Dad's Dessert Dilemma)

10Disliked cats because he believed they eat kids' ears (Francine and the Feline)

11Disobeyed his mom by digging up the whole yard (Arthur's Treasure Hunt)

12Blatantly ignored D.W.'s clear and obvious requests (For Whom the Bell Tolls)

13Told D.W. that Mary Moo Cow was a baby show and didn't respect her opinion (That's a Baby Show)

14Bullied Francine nonstop and later denied it (Draw!)

15Scared D.W. While She Was Taking a Bath (D.W. All Wet)

16Refused to let D.W. bring all of her toys to put in his suitcase (The Rhythm and Roots of Arthur)

17Acted rude to D.W. (The Rhythm and Roots of Arthur)

18Blamed D.W for everything (Family Feud)

19Was mean to D.W when she lost her voice (For Whom the Bell Trolls)