Top 10 Worst Things About Pop Music

1Constant talk about partying, sex, drug use, and alcohol


3Artists becoming popular based on image, not talent

4Is played everywhere

5Can influence bad behavior


7Too simple

8Sexual songs to boost sales for terrible artists


10Horrible beats


12Use of profanity

13Most artists use ghostwriters

14Use of stuttering and repetitive phrases in basic choruses


16Majority of songs are about love

17Terrible lyrics

18Lacks meaningful content

19Negative talk about the genre

20More popular than other genres

21Focuses on boys and girls

22Primarily appeals to girls

23Artists don't play instruments

24Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

25Repetitive lyrics

27Labels pressure artists to perform songs they don't like

28High popularity among crowds

29Artists are often unpleasant

30Songs can sound entirely different from each other

31American Idol

American Idol

32Fans are easily offended and judgmental if you listen to other music