Top 10 Worst Things About Family Guy

1The Meg hating gag

The Meg hating gag

2The long gags

3The characters have become unlikable

4It tries too hard to be funny

5It is getting worse and worse

6Over the top violence

7Overuse of sexual content

8It's offensive

9Really boring episodes

10The jokes are disgusting

11Too much toilet humor

12It rips off The Simpsons

It rips off The Simpsons

13The Griffins are mean, cold, and heartless people

14It makes fun of black people

15It's very mean spirited

16It's not funny

17Peter is abusive

18It's still on the air

19Too many pointless stories

20It makes fun of religion

21Quagmire's hatred for Brian

22It'™s more dark than funny

23The jokes are cheesy

24It makes 9/11 jokes

25All the Griffins do is abuse each other

26It's extremely sexist

27Too many pop culture references

28Domestic violence jokes

29It ruined Star Wars

30Pedophilia jokes

31It's stale

32Overuse of cutaway gags

33Bad animation

34STD jokes

35The voice acting is annoying