Top 10 Weirdest Things about Halloween

1Bobbing for Apples was thought to be able to give young women husbands

Bobbing for Apples was thought to be able to give young women husbands

2Halloween is almost never on a full moon

Halloween is almost never on a full moon

3Bonfires were meant for priests to burn the remnants of cattle with

Bonfires were meant for priests to burn the remnants of cattle with

4Almost all instances of "tainted candy" involve kids' friends or family members

Almost all instances of "tainted candy" involve kids

5Behavior often has a direct correlation with costumes

Behavior often has a direct correlation with costumes

6"Trick or Treat" was a threat at first

"Trick or Treat" was a threat at first

7Americans buy enough candy each Halloween to fill the Titanic six times

Americans buy enough candy each Halloween to fill the Titanic six times

8Halloween is the worst time to try to get a black cat

Halloween is the worst time to try to get a black cat

9It's a constant debate whether Halloween is Satanic or not


10Silly String is banned in Hollywood on Halloween

Silly String is banned in Hollywood on Halloween

11Thriller was actually released around Christmas

Thriller was actually released around Christmas